Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cross Processing






These pictures were cross processed on photoshop. I curved the red, green and blue and adjusted the brightness and contrast. The original is how it came out from the print and the processed is after photoshop.

Monday, October 17, 2011


 These are my tilt-shift photo. The technique is to take a picture of something taken from above and blur the background and foreground. The effect is that the subject looks miniature and toylike. The first picture is of deer in a zoo. The second one is an elephant taking a bath in the river. The last two pictures are of people on the Tualatin field. 

First Project

Playground Steps
I took this from above the play structure at Alberta Rider Elementary school. The print came out perfectly. I like it a lot better in black and white.

A Line of Trees
This is a pathway of trees near my house. I like how the trees recede into the background. I think this is a pretty cool picture.

The Hidden Shadow
I like this one because there is this mysterious shadow of a girl on the side. Well, maybe not so mysterious. But it came out really clear and the lighting was perfect. 

Triangle Monkey Bars
This is one of my favorite pictures from my first roll of film. I really like the composition and how the first bar is blurry and the second one is in focus and the rest are out of focus. It's great and I like the darkness of it.

A Tree on the Sidewalk
This picture looked great as a negative and came out perfectly. The tree came out just like I wanted. This is the pathway to Alberta Rider.