Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pin-hole Project

Timberwolf Mural



This is the mural of the Timberwolves in front of the main office. I didn't know how long to expose the can, so I guessed 4:30 since it was much darker than the classroom. This is my favorite pic! I like the negative better than the positive though.

negative positive

This is my self-portrait. I am glad that the positive came out well. This was taken in the classroom with an exposure of 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

 Sophomore Hall
This is a picture of sophomore hall from the top of the first set of stairs. There must have been something in the hole of the can to reflect the light back out causing the streak of light.

negative positive

This is the commons taken from the north entrance. I put the can on one of the tables. I think it looks kind of cool with the shapes at the bottom.


This is my first blog!